Poetry – Early Years

I wrote this when my eldest was still tiny, I was struggling with life in generally; feeling overwhelmed, and somehow unwanted, being a mum was hard and I didn’t believe I was capable. There’s a lot of that time I don’t remember, maybe for good reasons. So when I tell you I don’t remember writingContinueContinue reading “Poetry – Early Years”

The United Nations of Photography

The intention of our presence here is not to fulfill expectations. It is to promote questioning and debate. Both of which should be respectful and informed. Learning comes from listening not shouting. Our opinions may not be yours, and that is how it should be.

Enter the woo . . .

Come visualize what I'm saying.


Weigh the Difference

The Angry Noodle

Posts for the speculative, cooked to al dente. *noodle noises*